IPEYE online service for video surveillance

IPEYE remote video surveillance service combines convenience and affordable prices. Storing your video costs from 3.3 rubles per day and online streaming and real-time mode is for free!

The possibilities of the cloud-based IPEYE video surveillance system

Watch videos in real-time mode.

Connecting to the cameras from any place in the world where there is the Internet access.

Setting up the limited and public access to the viewing.

Easy searching of the necessary video by date and time.

Secure storage of your records in the cloud service.

Select and download any fragment to your phone, PC or tablet computer.

Why is IPEYE?

Watch online broadcasts from any device


You will not have to install special expensive software.

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Video is transmitted
in the excellent quality.

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Watching videos from any devices and the possibility of connecting your own cameras to the service.

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Clever storage

The possibility to quickly access the archive and select the necessary fragment.

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Setting up SMS notifications
about any activity in the frame.

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Modern equipment

Providing high-quality cameras at the affordable prices.

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